Sports & News Broadcast

Several Internet centric projects

2nd June 2012

Datasport,“Italian sport live” for multimedia and multi platform

Italy, and Milan in particular, is a hub of new technology and media companies completely or partially devoted to sports.

One of them of particular interest is Datasport, which can be immediately defined as a “multimedia and cross platform laboratory”. The company is part of COCOPELLI srl. Born in 2009 with general headquarters in the center of the most industrious town in the north, and historically a branch of the sister company “Sergio Chiesa Srl”.

Segio Chiesa is the person behind it, the CEO, and the company mainly works along two main lines of activities, sports and shows, with two separate editorial structures: the section involved in sports is known as Datasport Srl, while the other dealing with shows and public events is known as “LoSpettacolo Srl”.

In both sectors the shape is the same, they actually operate through a news bulletin for each area, a daily news program on the same formats as Ansa news feeds, plus a dedicated internet and very successful website, and plus an editorial service: the editorial office creates -on one side- some “semi-processed contents” - and on the other “complete contents” which are the fundamental feed for well known brands of Italian editorial and tv industries.

We can certainly say that sports contents producing agencies have faced an incredible evolution so far, and since Internet and the traditional web marketing are still not producing enough income, Datasport started creating cross-media contents for third parties. These include contents destined to newspapers and magazines, others for Teletext (Televideo in Italy) and others for “mobile” gizmos, distributed on several platforms including Apple and Android devices.

In other words Datasport has passed on from an initial “multimedia dimension” to a multi platform offer derived from the same specialized (sports or shows) contents.

Sergio Chiesa comments: “We are operating a complete sports service, including results, charts, agenda, pictures, an all the rest that can be useful for sports on tv and paper, mainly for soccer but also for many other sports; to this editorial service whenever required we can supply picture captures, titles generation, and also deeper info and in depth analysis on needed topics, including archiving, retrieval and database management.”

The editorial office is in Milan and definitely very internet centric, plus a huge employment of widgets also applied to several external web sites linked tho the two main. So huge quantity of Datasport contents may be found on many portals.

The main feed is created following the day-by-day of Italian sports: the idea conveyed is that Datasport is centered on “Italian sport live” as the official payoff quotes.

Soccer is covering almost by 80%, then, the rest is motor sports and others covering around 20%. They are following almost always the official press conferences with proper interviews and images.

The typical Datasport customer is RAI Sport. While we are writing this story Datasport is taking part to a RAI public tender meant to find a supplier of all the results and charts and profiles of every soccer player and match useful for several RAI channels.

Besides, Datasport contents are heavily used by decisive organizations and editors like “il sole24ore”, the Sport on Mediaset, Bergamo TV, just to mention a few.

The next editorial guidelines of Datasport will probably include some news service based on the same criteria as above, but generated directly for the final spectator, a more evolved public for the new trends of the internet era.

“For the video section at the moment meant exclusively for the web sites operations” - Sergio Chiesa of Datasport says - “we've been using mainly prosumer digital photo cameras by Canon, like models 5D and experimenting also the Nikon D800 which, following a common trend, are widely used also for video shooting right on the model of the street journalism.

For the editing area we are using an online Media Composer by Avid system, since this is a first step of this project while from September on we'll give this matter a different thought.

At the moment the digital media asset management is based on Avid for the video section integrated with some Linux proprietary system created in the house for all web sections.”

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